Unexpected Heights
While browsing a local gay adult site, I was perusing profiles of various members. I came across one member who looked strangely familiar to me. It wasn't so much seeing the familiar face that shocked me. I've seen enough familiar faces from time to time on the site. It was the particular face that threw me briefly for a loop.
Shocked isn't even a good word. Let's just say it was unexpected. The profile in question belonged to a former boss's boss at my current job. Fobobo actually was one of the guys that interviewed me way back when. Since he was highest on the food chain, I had a feeling that I would really have to impress him in order to be considered. Then again former co-worker/friend Stan would argue that I was kissing butt regardless.
Nonetheless since Sally told me when I first came out to her that "everybody knows" about me, a part of me couldn't help wondering in light of my discovery, whether Fobobo had an inkling about me. If he did, I wonder if it played a role in my being hired (aside from kissing everyone's butt extra hard...and actually having the skill sets required...*LOL*) I mean way back when I was in deep denial and never did anything to fuel those latent fires.

In the last year or so, I've run into Fobobo on and off while walking around the office and we're always cordial (though not conversational) to each other. So that's cool. I wonder if he knows about me now if he didn't back then. Regardless of that fact, though, it's safe to say our secrets are safe with each other. For now.
Speaking of work, I'm so not feeling it anymore. But I'm pressing on. No need to complain right now.
Let's move on to happier topics...

In TV news, I don't know if anyone that reads my blog watches Heroes, but this past Monday's episode titled "The Company Man" rocked hard. This was the one where a lot of questions were answered about HRG and whether he really cared for poor cheerleader Claire or not. The whole episode was so smooth and seamless and I nearly cried at the end when HRG "sacrificed" himself to keep Claire from being captured by his organization. And the previews for next week....SIMONE is alive! Well maybe. Some argue it could be a figment of Peter's imagination. Regardless of if it is or not, I'm so there next week.
As for I Love New York, they're down to the final five. It's no surprise to me that Chance is still in the running for New York's affections. Luckily the poor man's Nick Lachey (12-Pack) and Tango are still in the running since they're pretty much my eye candy for the season. But I have a feeling based on the previews that 12-Pack's time is about to be up. Next monday episode is the one where the old girlfriends of the guys are bought in and 12-Pack's ex-gf tells New York that 12-Pack worked in a gay bar. So of course you know that won't go well with New York. I can't wait to catch it.
I've been catching up with Taye Diggs' dead series DayBreak on-line. Unfortunately the bastards at ABC have been holding the series finale hostage. If it weren't for Desperate Housewives (which is marginally better this season) Lost, and this new show on ABC Family that I'm totally digging called Lincoln Heights, I would dump ABC in a heartbeat.

Desperate Housewives, Lost, yeah do a google. But Lincoln Heights, which is about a black middle class family that moves back to a police officer's old neighborhood has proven itself to be quite the hit. It's a bit contrived at times (then again what show isn't) but the acting within the family overall is phenomenal. It's nice seeing a black couple working through their issues and being in a long term marriage. Plus it's always a treat seeing Russell Hornsby shirtless. And any show who employs James Black for an episode is tops in my book. I really hope it's doing good in the ratings department so it comes back next season.
Hemingway I need to eat dinner and get ready for the gym. Till next post.