I Work Hard For The Money!
Donna Summer's infamous hit single was playing while I bowled last night. I'm in a weekly work league and last night was our final week. The 1st half of the season found us in 4th place. But bad luck reared its ugly buttocks during the 2nd half. In fact, in the last three out of four Wednesdays, our team lost all its matches no matter who we played against. Things turned for the better on that remaining Wednesday, when our team won all its matches. Last night was overall finals for the year and we actually managed to win all our games again. I tell you, if the Season went on until mid-June, we'd so end up in 1st place, instead of the 7th place 2nd half finish and overall finish we placed in.
Lo and behold, even when bowling, I was working hard for the money. I entered one of those pot things where you put money in and hope you wind up being the big scorer w/handicap thankfully. The way this one works is say 16 people enter the pot during Game 1. The top 8 scorers w/handicap advance to Game 2. Then the top 4 scorers w/handicap advance to the finals, where all 4 take a prize. Last place is usually getting your money back with the amount incrementing for each place.
I've had mixed luck on those, actually only winning 2nd place in the pot once. But tonight's pot had a twist. We had to pair up with a partner and if you and your partner scored the highest in the 3rd game, you win the largest piece of pot pie. So I reluctantly paired up with the top bowler on my team "Reid". I say reluctantly because Reid's a very good bowler but very cocky at times. In fact he had a 202 average as of last night. He's one of those people that finds his opponent's weakness and pounces on it. I've been the victim occasionally.
So in addition to his pressure, I added pressure on myself to perform well. We definitely weren't going to win much money for the team. 7th place, hello!! So I wanted to get a teeny weeny bit back.
I guess the pressure worked, though. Everytime I thought I'd blow the game, I somehow got a turkey or a turkey plus 1 in the last few frames. My series for the night was my best overall series for the entire season. 188, 199, 181. My average was a 159. With my scores and Reid's (257, 236, 217)....he has no handicap since his average is over 200, we easily won the top pot....woo hoo! That was the best $34 I ever made. Har, har!
Pet peeves. Every now and then when trudging through this thing called life, I stumble upon human behavior that completely makes me gag. I run into this particular peeve every now and then when driving. I hate it when I drive behind someone who's smoking and they flick their cigarette ashes out the window instead of in the ashtray that all cars come with. Then when they're finally done with their cigarette, they toss it out the window. It amazes me how folks like that don't mind polluting their bodies with carcinogens but their ashtrays are so precious that they dare not dirty it up. I know this is probably unlikely but if their ashes were to land on some loose gasoline, they could possibly cause a hazardous situation to happen.
Whew...glad to get that off my chest! I have more pet peeves where that came from.
Current mood: Relieved
Labels: work