My first blog focused on me as a closeted gay black male navigating my life during my 30's. Part two now finds me in my 40s and NOW my 50s and beyond as a somewhat out gay male still navigating myself through all the issues thrown my way and as always, handling it in true E fashion.
Okay there's no such thing as gaj but thought it sounded cute. Hemingway I've been enjoying this latest season of Survivor. It's the first season of Survivor I've watched straight through since Survivor Fiji and one of my favorite winners ever, Earl Cole. But the show has been a hit or miss for me. Actually I wouldn't have even bothered to watch this season had I not noted that R&B singing sensation Taj Johnson-George was a contestant on the show. I mostly watched to see how far she would go and wouldn't you know it, she managed to make it to Final 4. I admit I'm rooting for her to win, even though she has some surmountable odds. I mean, she's never won an immunity and winning one, especially if she makes Final 3 will likely be critical to her making Final 2. Then there's that whole married to hottie Eddie George thing that could bite her in the ass if she makes Final 2. Either way I'm definitely going to be glued on Sunday night to watch the conclusion of Survivor Tocatins.
Incidentally seeing Taj....and T-Boz actually (I stopped watching Celebrity Apprentice after Trump made up a bogus excuse to fire her) have made me feen for some old school TLC and SWV. I'll always be an En Vogue fan first and foremost but SWV and TLC were also doing their thing in the mid-90's.
I saw this rare clip of an episode of New York Undercover (anybody remember that show) where SWV sings Switch's There'll Never Be. Taj sings part of the song, which isn't as much of a shock since she did sing solo occasionally on her earlier songs but wouldn't you know LeeLee actually sang a few bars. And in the few seconds she sings, she's cutting it up. It's a shame that Coko was given 90% of the lead, even though there's no doubt that Coko has a very unique voice. But it would've been nice if they evened out the song duties a bit.
Here's the video for you all to see. I'll let you guys be the judge.
Or at least it's trying to. The weather in Chicago these last couple weeks have been flip floppy. Of course being that its Chicago it should come as no surprise.
But nonetheless I'm relishing this upcoming summer. My new theme song whenever I'm walking down the street will be Sheryl Crow's Soak Up The Sun. At least I think that's the title. You will have to forgive me since I'm blogging from my mobile.
I was told by my doctor that I have a Vitamin D deficiency. So every week for the next ten weeks I have to take 50000IU of Vitamin D pills. The perscription for those mugs cost $20 and apparently insurance doesn't cover it.
Whatever. Hemingway consider this my coming out of hibernation post.