Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Tit for Tat

I'm so tired of measuring my blood pressure. It's about as exciting as watching bad porn. Actually it's not. Heh. My systolic has been slightly above normal a few times but my diastolic is doing great. Cheerfully my BP is currently 133/77.

My blood giving session last Saturday went well. I was able to give away twice the number of red blood cells. I was excited about that prospect considering my RBC count is above normal. (I'm sure I'm back to my high level anyway but it was nice giving my liver a little bit of a rest...*LOL*.) The "Alyx Machine" makes this all possible by separating the RBC from the platelets & basically returning the platelets back to you. Plus I don't have to go again for another 112 days. Sweet.

In other exciting news, I was recently approached by my friend "Will" to consider an opportunity in Prepaid Legal. "Will" was actually pretty slick (they don't call him slick Willie for nothing...*LOL*) when he bought it up. He asked me if I had a will done. Sadly I don't and while my imminent death isn't something I like thinking of (though well with my latest issues...err, never mind...*LOL*), I realize that it is important to have your loved ones know what your final wishes are. So I told him no. Well I was told Prepaid Legal can help. Actually he was looking for me to sign up for the chance to not only help myself but to make money on the side owning my own business. He even had me talk to another guy that's looking to recruit more people.

Long story short, I did some research and even got some information from the lovely diva Ms. Holiday (thanks diva!) about other PPLs and didn't care much for the MLM portion of the business. I decided the opportunity wasn't for me. I told both of them over the phone since they're having a meeting at Will's this Wednesday to discuss the opportunity further. Of course, both guys tried to convince me otherwise and to just come to a meeting to hear them out. Then Will's friend had the audacity to throw an insult at me. He said, help your friend Will out by giving him the number of folks "more open" to the opportunities of PPL. I was ready to tell him to go fuck himself but instead said none of the folks I associate with would be interested. Besides if I'm not interested, how am I going to convince them to try it? Next.

Getting back to my health for a minute, I'm thinking actually of buying some Super Green. It's a supplement that can provide you with up to the equivalent of ten servings of vegetables a day when mixed in 8-oz of water. It contains such ingredients as Cauliflower Juice Extract and Brocolli Powder. It claims to provide a lot of health benefits. My slightly less annoying manager (I'm getting used to his managerial style & he actually was very helpful to me when I had my little emergency in January.) says that his brothers all take it & they've noticed it helped their blood pressure as well as cleared their skin.

I'm willing, or should I say I'm OPEN to giving it a try. If I decide to try it, I'll let you all know.



Blogger E said...

Wow...thanks Ms. Holiday! I'm definitely gonna order it now. Actually I'll look up Miracle Greens too.

9:35 PM, August 04, 2005  
Blogger Marz said...

I remember when I wrote my first will out at like 7. Saying who got my gameboy and whatever else if I just up and died. (Yeah I was a weird kid. LOL)


9:25 PM, February 18, 2006  

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